Leadership course at MIT, July 2014

Enciso Ganadero

A cloud-based solution to record livestock data in the field


Enciso Ganadero enables livestock farm owners to keep track of the data produced in the following processes:

  1. Livestock Input
  2. Livestock Output
  3. Health Treatments
  4. Field Rotations
  5. Deliveries
  6. Services
  7. Input Kardex
  8. Output Kardex
  9. Pluviometric


  • Access control in tablets and mobile devices
  • Email notification after submitting data
  • Centralized parameter list
  • Landing page
  • 9 Modules
  • 1 email account for administrator
  • 2 email accounts for devices
  • 2 hours of training


  • Inversiones JB El Anhelo


  • $1.4M COP plus taxes